“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in Heaven.”
Matthew 5: 1 – 12
As a child my mom gave me the book, ‘Our Lady of Fatima’. It quickly became my favorite book and still is today.
To see the dedication of those children inspired me, particularly the happy demeanor they maintained during times of suffering.
I believe this is one of the great marks of a Saint. So many stories of them making jokes and being happy at the time of death. Such as Saint Lawrence, famous for asking to be turned over while being burnt alive.
Today’s gospel, it appears Jesus seems to forewarn the disciples that suffering on earth is inevitable and happiness in the face of adversity is the way to Heaven.
I pray today for the strength and demeanor to remain joyful in the face of all suffering I may face and look forward to the day of true peace with God in Heaven.