Saturday October 28th: Pray the night away
October 28, 2023
Monday October 30th: Keep the faith!
October 30, 2023

Sunday October 29th: Offering our entire being

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

Matthew 22:34-40

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the first commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Sadly, in our world filled with endless distractions due to materialism, consumerism and hedonism, our hearts, souls and minds are not a constitute whole but divided and waring against each other; and being divided, it is quite challenging to faithfully offer our entire beings to God alone.
Many do not even believe that they possess a soul or that we are embodied spirits destined to live forever in Christ Jesus. Thus, we become half-hearted and slothful when it comes to following the basic and fundamental Christian practices of prayer, fellowship and the Apostles’ teaching on the moral and spiritual life. Many Catholics do not even reverence the Day of our Lord’s Resurrection – the Day that changed all of Creation forever, opting to give preference to football practice and SEA lessons. Today, let us recommit to break from idolatry in all its various forms and offer our entire lives to God as we await Jesus’ coming.