We must discern our actions and responses to ensure that we are living the gospel faithfully.
Luke 12: 54 – 59
In today’s gospel passage, Jesus urges us to do two things: “to read the signs of the times” and “to judge for ourselves what is right”. Both actions belong to our Christian living.
Reading the signs of the times is about being aware of the world around us in relation to the gospel. It is easy to become distracted and get caught up in the world around us. But Christians must be able to pause and reflect on how they are living the gospel in the midst of the world.
Judging for ourselves what is right, is not about condemning. It is about discerning based on our understanding of God’s will and our responsibility to do what is right. We must discern our actions and responses to ensure that we are living the gospel faithfully.
Christians cannot simply join the crowd or become absorbed by passing trends. They must be accountable. God has entrusted everyone with the responsibility to make choices that will honour Him and witness to the gospel.