Catholic students from Catholic and government schools took part in rallies October 16 – 23 for Mission Month.
A programme featuring student performances in music, song and dance was followed by Mass, which had participation by students in the readings, music, and intercessory prayers.
Mission Sunday/Mission Month in October focuses on the work of missionaries and renewal of commitment to the missionary movement. The activities for the week were promoted by the local Pontifical Mission Society. The theme for Mission Sunday, October 22 was Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move.
The week of activities in vicariates ended Monday, at the St Philip and St James RC Church, Chaguanas.
The World Mission Rosary was recited by students from schools in the vicariate including Presentation College, Chaguanas and Holy Faith Convent, Couva and “one or two government schools”.
Tabaquite RC led the praise and worship for the rally and pupils of Carapichaima RC gave a rendition of ‘Go Tell Everyone’ accompanied by drumming. Winston Garcia from the People of Praise spoke on the theme.
Coordinator for the Central Vicariate Leonora Marcano said there were songs, poems, and other presentations before the Mass. The Mission Rosary was shared among five schools, each doing a decade for each continent of the world. Vicar for the Central Vicariate Fr Steve Ransome presided at Mass and the Holy Faith Convent choir led the singing during the liturgy.
In Tobago, the St Joseph RC School, Scarborough and Delaford RC combined on Wednesday, October 18 for their programme and Mass at St Joseph RC Church.
Boys from St Joseph RC led the praise and worship accompanied by a teacher on guitar. Fr Mathias Mulumba Ssajjabbi gave a talk where he emphasised the missionary, anyone who wants to represent Jesus, had to show love and care for one another. The students recited the Missionary Rosary.
A poem was recited by a few children from Delaford RC, and all children and students sang ‘Go Tell Everyone’. Mass followed with Fr Steve Duncan as celebrant. Delaford RC led the singing, and the lectors came from both schools.
On Thursday, October 19, the programme in the Northern Vicariate took place at St Finbar’s RC and featured the Maria Goretti Choir singing, ‘We are Marching’. Pt Cumana did a skit titled ‘My Brother’s Keeper’; Belmont Girls’
RC danced to ‘Emela’; Our Lady of Laventille RC presented a medley of songs; and Corpus Christi College gave a pan rendition of ‘Ave Maria’.
The attendance by students for the programme and Mass was described as “extraordinary”.
The other days of activity were:
· Eastern Vicariate – Tuesday, October 17, Church of the Holy Spirit, Malabar, Arima
· Suburban Vicariate – Friday, October 20, Our Lady of Fatima RC Church, Curepe
· Southern Vicariate – Monday, October 23, at St Benedict’s RC Church, La Romaine