“There is something greater than Jonah here.”
Luke 11: 29 – 32
Jesus knew his listeners were fixated on seeing more miracles performed rather than on any radical personal transformation. He called them a “wicked generation” because of this. To highlight His point, He draws reference to the prophet Jonah who went to the pagan city of Nineveh and preached repentance there and the people repented. Further, the Queen of the South, another pagan, travelled many miles to listen to the wisdom of Solomon.
As the Son of God, Jesus knew he was greater than either Jonah or the Queen of the South but the “wicked generation” refused to believe in him.
Today we too are being challenged to acknowledge the greatness and the power of Jesus who is among us. However, this requires total transformation on our part.
Help us dear Father to realize that you are the source of life and that in you, we live and move and have our being.