“Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:27-28
“Hear nah, yuh see Father, he could real preach! Ah eh care where they send him, ah going!” Sounds familiar? Maybe we have heard it, said it, or felt it? It is so easy to get swept up in the emotions when we hear a good messenger, someone who we perceive as charismatic and enthusiastic, who knows exactly what to say and when to say it.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus didn’t miss a beat. He recognized that the woman calling out to him from the crowd, was so captivated by what he was doing, especially after seeing him cast out the mute demon, that she risked missing the message. Everything Jesus did, was not to bring attention to himself and those who raised him, but rather to trigger life changes in those who heard him.
This doesn’t mean that we should not acknowledge and celebrate God’s messengers and the people who contributed to who they are today. However, our focus should always be on finding ourselves in the message and acting on it, thereby deepening relationship with God.