Sunday October 8th: Reflection
October 8, 2023
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Monday October 9th: Love of neighbour

‘Go and do the same yourself.’

Luke 10: 25 – 37

Today we reflect on the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan. There are several characters in the story. When Jesus says: Go and do the same yourself, he does not tell us which of the characters to follow. We must choose.

In life, when we see someone needing help, we often behave like the Priest or the Levite, for we do not want to get our hands dirty. We say that the matter does not concern us, and we leave it for others to do.

The Samaritan shows us an example that is very difficult to follow but deep in our hearts we know that this is the way we should go. It is very difficult but loving our neighbour is not only for when things are going good but especially when they are in difficulties.

Lord, I find it very difficult, but give me the graces to love my neighbour as myself.