All-inclusive Kingdom
Matthew 21: 33-46
Yes. You are in the Kingdom of God. Invited to share in the Kingdom of God. Entrusted with the keys of the Kingdom. To enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom and forever more expected to share with others the great privilege of belonging and finding home in that space.
But the Kingdom of God is not yours. You cannot own it. It is not property to have exclusive rights to. It is all inclusive. All ah we share the Kingdom and belong in it.
Somehow; after we taste the benefits of the Kingdom, we have the nasty habit of wanting it for ‘we-self’. We have the tendency to be control freaks, schooled in the worst form of capitalism. All is mine. Something like ‘holy greed’ surfaces when considering property. Unctuous and irresistible like flowing water.
Finding home for ourselves, demands that we make a home for others. Every single talent we have been blessed with is granted for building up God’s kingdom. No gift is personal.