Sunday September 24th: Justice and Magnanimity
September 24, 2023
Wednesday September 27th: What’s your super power?
September 27, 2023

Monday September 25th: Regulating Brightness

The primary purpose of light is to illuminate the darkness, not blind the onlooker.

Luke 8:16-18

I remember grandma’s round, pitch-oil filled lamp, the long wick soaked and curling inside the bowl, the burnt tip waiting to be lighted whenever current went. I imagine that a soft, flickering light gently dispelling the shadows of the night is what comes to mind when we hear this story of the lamp placed on the lampstand for all to see. This was the light of Jesus’ time.

But this is the 21st century, and anyone who has ever been forced to look away from, say, the harsh high beams of an oncoming car, knows that light can blind as well as brighten. Too much light, the kind that makes someone cover their eyes or look away, can be a danger.

The primary purpose of light is to illuminate the darkness, not blind the onlooker,

Your light, your good works, should lovingly direct people to the Father in Heaven. Let’s learn to use our dimmer switch, when necessary, to call others into the kingdom.