Monday September 11th: The Withered Hand
September 11, 2023
Wednesday September 13th: Dependence on Grace
September 13, 2023

Tuesday September 12th: Prayer a priority

“…he departed to the mountain to pray, and He spent the night in prayer to God.”

Luke 6:12-19

Just before undertaking the important task of selecting who would become His twelve apostles, Jesus first spent the entire night in prayer to God, His Heavenly Father. Only after doing so, did He choose the apostles, calling each one by name.

Then Jesus went boldly into action, unhesitatingly doing His Father’s Will. What about us? Do we first spend time in prayer, before starting anything important? Do we acknowledge that we can do nothing on our own, without first seeking God’s intervention? Jesus Himself recognized this fact. So, why can’t we?

Jesus then healed all the people, both physically and spiritually, thereby actively demonstrating to the apostles what was required of them. We are told that everyone wanted to touch Him, because “…power came forth from him.”
Such is the sovereignty of fervent prayer! May we always put God first in everything that we do. Lord, may You always be first in our lives!