Humanity must cooperate with God’s creation… or face consequences
September 6, 2023
To catechists: thanks for your persistence, may you find renewed strength
September 6, 2023

A statement of gratitude from the Grenada pilgrims to World Youth Day

From Bishop Clyde Martin Harvey

On behalf of the Diocese of St George’s-in-Grenada, I wish to thank all those persons in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago who came to the aid of our World Youth Day pilgrims who were stranded in Trinidad in July. All have now returned home to Grenada, one month after they left.

Particular thanks must go to the Youth Ministry of the Archdiocese who had initially agreed to host them overnight en route to Portugal. Overnight became six days before they were able to leave for Portugal on July 26 and 27.

We thank the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny – Sr Maureen Alexander (Provincial) and Sr Ivy Pacheco (Superior) and the Cluny community in Arouca.

The Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother through their local community and their Mother House in Rome also offered critical help.

We will never forget the fact that you welcomed them as guests in their Father’s house, not as stranded pilgrims, or strange refugees.

Many people helped in various ways over those days, even when there was just one pilgrim left. We note especially the parish community of Arouca, Eternal Light Community and the Trinidad travel agents. Many others, individually and in groups, came to our aid.

In Portugal, where they were again stranded in Porto, their hosts were the Sisters of St Dorothy of Frasinetti. As bishop, I will always remember you all when I offer Mass weekly for the benefactors of our diocese.

Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon came personally to the aid of the pilgrims with his presence and counsel. He offered to assist financially, and we are deeply grateful for the appeal he made to the whole Archdiocese of Port of Spain.

This will help tremendously in resolving the debt which we have now incurred in bringing our pilgrims through this adventure.

For Christians, the widow’s mite in cash or kind evokes as much gratitude as the big donation.

For Grenada, our World Youth Day pilgrimage began the day our pilgrims left Grenada, and Trinidad was the first movement in a challenging mix of ‘Alleluias’ and ‘Kyrie Eleison’.

The whole experience has been rich as the physical and spiritual muscles were tested. Pray for us and for all our Caribbean people that we may always listen to what the Lord says to us through these rich experiences of adversity.