By Kaelanne Jordan
The St Charles Borromeo Church Ministry of Consolation (MoC) has produced its second book St Charles Borromeo RC Ministry of Consolation Book 2023 with a focus on issues arising out of loss, loneliness, healing of painful memories etc.
The online book launch was held via Zoom August 22, as the MoC celebrated ten years of ministry.
Author and MoC President Barbara Wafe clarified the books “are two different books”. “Don’t say it’s an update. One is a chronicle of gems and wisdom gathered along the way and the other is practical information as what to do when someone dies,” Wafe said.
She explained the first book St Charles Borromeo RC Ministry of Consolation Book 2017 answered questions that were asked when the MoC began: from how to handle a wake, what to do if someone dies at home, the steps to access the widow and orphan fund, to name a few.
“This book is very different…. We included in this one …not everything we said in the first book, on Wills…. We’d like to assure you need both of them,” Wafe underscored.
In his absence, “professional friend” Ceirid Sampson, Bereavement Counsellor, Belgrove’s Group of Companies read a book review from Nicholas Voisin, Counselling Psychologist and Original Pain Therapist.
In it, Voisin said he was “deeply moved” by the profound impact of the MoC and their selfless desire to comfort those who mourn in whatever way there is. The book, Voisin said, does not brag, exaggerate, or embellish what was done, it simply reports and in so doing, gives a very humble but honest impression of the MoC, a work over the last decade.
He hoped that faithful find the simple text within the book as touching and faith-affirming as he has and that faithful will join him with unreservedly recommending the book to all Catholics.
The volume is structured in five parts covering significant aspects of the MoC and its day-to-day operation. Part One chronicles the initiation of the MoC and summarises a two-year workshop delivered by professionals in their relevant fields.
He cited topics including preparation of wills, surviving stress and loneliness, forgiveness, fathering, mental health and wellness, among others, to underscore the MoC team has taken the approach of providing what is needed by the community at the time and not following the prescribed list of appropriate topics.
“This suggests that they are inclined to listen to the still, small voice that is the Holy Spirit and are obedient to His prompting. The growing numbers participating in the events I believe testifies to this being good work, God’s work,” Voisin said.
Part Two provides reports of the annual Candlelight Consolation Mass held at the parish for all those who wish to remember and pray for their loved ones. The sermons preached, Voisin highlighted, are “overflowing” with compassion and hope for those who are mourning and in need of consolation.
Part Three and Four furnishes the reader with some of the tools necessary to conduct services for wakes in multiple modes as well as tools for other parishes that desire to establish their own MoC.
Here, Voisin sees the generosity of the spirit embodied by the MoC whereby they are freely sharing all with the templates, liturgies, and other tools acquired or created over the years. “What an incredible gift to others who wish to bring solace to those in need,” he said.
The final part consists of the real testimonies of times of hope and faith over tremendous loss and grief. Voisin identified stories such as a child taken before her parents, a struggle with mental illness, a loss of a good shepherd and an escape from revenge, are but a sample of true stories which the MoC has been part of.
In delivering brief comments, parish priest Msgr Esau Joseph commented on the hard work and the coordination involved in producing the book. He viewed the book’s contents as “very meaningful and relevant” to everyone especially persons experiencing mental illnesses and anxiety.
Msgr Joseph shared, “a lot of parishioners may be on medication or prescription drugs because right now the government has given the anti-depressants free on the CDAP form because they acknowledge that this is a big problem.”
St Charles Borromeo RC Ministry of Consolation Book 2023 is priced at TT$100. Pick up is available at the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission office (299-1047) at the Belmont Pastoral Catholic Campus, 34b Belmont Circular Road, Port of Spain and at St Charles RC, Tunapuna.