Monday August 28th: Alas for me!
August 28, 2023
Wednesday August 30th: Practice what you preach
August 30, 2023

Tuesday August 29th: The Martyrdom of St John the Baptist.

John the Baptist was miraculously born to an old couple.

Mark 6: 17 – 29.

Did John’s parents expect their son to be innocently killed? How do we feel when an innocent person is punished, or even worse, murdered/ martyred?
Well, John was innocently imprisoned; then killed. Why?

Firstly, he dared to confront a king and his wife. “It is unlawful to marry your brother’s wife,” he told King Herod. Secondly, Herodias, Herod’s wife and partner in sin, became very angry and wanted to kill John. Do we become angry and plan to harm anyone who identifies our sin and reminds us of God’s laws/ commandments? Or do we acknowledge our guilt, seek God’s forgiveness and turn away from committing that sin?

John had a God-given mission: to encourage people to obey God’s laws, to repent of their sins, and be baptized to be saved; and also, to prepare for the coming of Jesus and to baptize him before his public ministry. What is our God-given mission? Are we prepared to do God’s will whether it costs us punishment or death in this world?