Saturday August 19th: Serving Children in Jesus’ name
August 19, 2023
Monday August 21st: Be Perfect: Love Perfectly
August 21, 2023

Sunday August 20th: Standing as a witness of Jesus

“Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.”

Matthew 15:21-28

The Canaanite woman recognized Jesus as the Son of David, the greatest healer and the one sent by God. She desperately sought out Jesus and was not intimidated by those around her.

Sometimes in my personal life I am not as open and as bold as this Canaanite woman. I shy away from being recognized as the one needing Jesus’ healing touch. I often fall on my knees, but in the privacy of my room or in a chapel. I fail to publicly witness to the immense power of God in life’s situations.

The Canaanite’s focus was not on her surroundings nor on those around, but on Jesus. In spite of the odds, she never gave up or focused on the path of resistance (He answered her not a word). She was not ashamed to publicly name her problem (My daughter is tormented by a devil). Her intent focus was on Jesus (…and was kneeling at his feet…).

Sir, Son of David, take pity on me. May I also receive the words, “You have great faith. Let your wish be granted.”