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August 10, 2023

Freedom is love…

At BOMA-TT, we believe in love and not lust. We believe the Method can offer true freedom.

Every year Emancipation Day is celebrated and what a gift it is to celebrate freedom from slavery!

This year, the classic Calypso ‘Bring Down the Power’ by Ella Andall was danced to at Trincity Mall. On WhatsApp, it was the song of choice in a ‘Happy Emancipation Day’ greeting that was shared many times!

Andall implores with her powerful, energetic voice: “Bring down the power of love, I say”, “Love to heal a nation” to “stop hell and damnation”. In this fantastic tune Andall sings, “This love is for freedom”, so it is aptly used on Emancipation Day.

But what is love? God is love! As children of God, we all long for true love because we come from Him who is love. We are called then, to love and be loved by loving the way God does – unconditionally, faithfully, totally, sacrificially.

God’s love is all for true freedom, as He wants what is best for us. And what is freedom? Asking about what freedom is, usually proffers a response “to do whatever we want”.

However, the truth about freedom is that it exists for the sake of good. If we always did “whatever we wanted” there would be chaos and anarchy.

Think about being “free” to consistently choose a vice (a bad habit). Eventually, one becomes a “slave” (opposite of freedom) to that vice. Why? Because we want more and more of it as it becomes a habit.

Think about consistently choosing a virtue (a good habit). Virtues lead to more freedom, freedom to choose good (and not evil).

At BOMA-TT, we teach the Billings Ovulation Method® and train new instructors as well. We teach because we believe this method is love. It was said that this Method is a loving way of family planning that respects the human person, after scientifically studying the body, Dr Billings realised that stopping fertility (contraception) was not necessary to manage human baby-making potential (fertility).

In her song, Andall refers to the “wind of destruction in this land” and that is why she calls on the power of love to heal this nation.

To us at BOMA-TT, that wind of destruction in our land has come in the form of contraception – which is (many a time) the ability to stop natural fertility for the sake of selfishness and/or lust.

Use of contraception has been linked to infidelity (unfaithfulness in marriage), divorce, the increase in sexually transmitted infections and a general lowering of morality where the relationship between men and women has changed for the worse. People have become objects of pleasure, not persons to be loved.

At BOMA-TT, we believe in love and not lust. We believe the Method can offer true freedom. Contraception was created for us to “do whatever we want” and not to see the beauty and gift of fertility.

The Billings Ovulation Method® is not contraceptive because it never stops or puts any barrier to fertility but sees it as a precious gift that should be revered and treated with respect.

Couples postpone or avoid pregnancy by avoiding intercourse during the woman’s fertile phase and following specific guidelines. Using the Method in this way is not vice per se but can become a vice if the purpose for avoiding pregnancy is not a serious one.

God wants us to be fruitful and multiply in marriage. Therefore, one’s intentions make the difference as to if using the Method is virtue or vice.

Practising the Billings Method requires some days of waiting for intercourse. In December 2022, Pope Francis stated that “sometimes there can be a lesson from the Lord in a denial of what we want….This is not because he wants to deprive us of what we hold dear, but in order to live it with freedom, without attachment.”

Let us begin and begin again in living out true freedom. Confession is a good place to start over.

The Billings Ovulation Method® gives couples the freedom to love!


BOMA-TT Tel: 384-1659, Email:, Website:

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash