Tuesday August 8th: Recognizing Jesus
August 8, 2023
Thursday August 10th: A Grain of Wheat
August 10, 2023

Wednesday August 9th: Great Faith

He will grant our wishes

Matthew 15:21-28

The woman in today’s Gospel pleaded with Jesus for a certain cause. He answered her not a word. The disciples then pleaded with Jesus to give her what she wanted. Jesus’ answer was still not in fulfillment of the woman’s request. Then the woman pleaded with Jesus again, knelt at his feet and did not give up. Finally, Jesus granted her wish because of her ‘great faith’.

When we have burning issues in our lives, and we too want Jesus to ‘take pity on’ us, let us keep asking Jesus for what we want, let us use the Saints to pray for us, let us approach Jesus directly, over and over and never give up. At first, He may seem to answer us ‘not a word’ but in His own time and wisdom, when He knows our faith is where it is to be, He will grant our wishes. Place your faith in Jesus!