The Sunday morning 10.30 a.m. congregation at the Church of the Nativity, Petit Valley, on July 16, came to Mass as usual not expecting anything unusual. They were therefore pleasantly surprised to hear the announcement that a senior couple of the parish were celebrating their golden wedding anniversary at this liturgy.
Patricia and Francois Laurent made their solemn vows to love and be faithful to each other until the end of their days 50 years ago at the St Francis RC Church, Belmont. They then proceeded to the gala reception at the then Chung Shan Association on Charlotte Street.
Today, they found themselves joined together at the Mass with the Fr Carlyle Fortune OP at the altar.
This Sunday morning their three children and grandchildren were there together with their son-in-law. Francois, however, was seated adjacent to the sacristy in his usual role as a Eucharistic Minister.
Fr Carlyle, in interpreting the homily of ‘The Sower’, stressed the importance of listening if we wanted to produce good fruit. He asked us to decide on what kind of soil we are. His message was enthusiastically received if we are to judge by comments heard after Mass.
At an appropriate time in the liturgy, the priest came to the married couple and gave them a special blessing, which was well appreciated by the family.
It was very good to be at this special celebration, reminding us that there are those who, regardless of difficulties, keep their marriage vows to be faithful to each other for the rest of their days and to bring up their children in the fear of God. —Felix Edinborough