Saturday July 22nd: Be determined to find Jesus!
July 22, 2023
Monday July 24th: Blessed be The Listening Ear
July 24, 2023

Sunday July 23rd: The yeast of the righteous

“Let them both grow till the harvest.”

Matthew 13:24-43

The righteous will shine like the sun. They will shine like the sun in the kingdom of the Father. Let them grow together. No separation. Let the Veni children come to school. Open doors to every creed and race and language. The righteous come from everywhere. No weeds established however long, however strong, however stubborn can harm the righteous. The righteous, the morally right, the strong, the invincible. They move like sparks through stubble, undaunted, bringing light.
Interestingly, it is growing among the weeds that gives the righteous stamina, the ability to bounce back after each fall, each slip, each and every stumble, to build a resilience that lasts until thy kingdom come.
That resilience will shine through the stubble and convert some of the weeds to be weeds for the kingdom. Yuh ever meet a ‘bad boy’ for the kingdom; that bad boy who standup for right; like ah honest weed. To feel the peace that passeth understanding; the joy of the kingdom. It is like eating manna; ready and available. That weed, the mustard seed.