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Wednesday July 19th: Thank You Jesus

Thank you, Jesus, for introducing me to The Father and teaching me how to pray to Him.

Mathew 11: 25-27

Thank you, Jesus, for introducing me to The Father and teaching me how to pray to Him.
I try to use the words Jesus used to pray to The Father but sometimes I forget.
There are so many times, in desperation, when I just start begging God the Father, in the name of His son, Jesus, and the power of His Holy Spirit without remembering to bless The Father first and acknowledge His Majesty.

We learn in this Gospel and in The Our Father Prayer how we should start our prayers. We must first bless our God and acknowledge his greatness; then and only then should we start our begging.
I will try to remember Jesus’ words: “I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth…” I find when I say these words or something similar, I immediately feel comforted.

Thank you again, Jesus.