Jesus wanted his disciples and us to share the blessings of the kingdom without expecting to be compensated.
Matthew 10 7-15
Matthew Kelly, renown author, wrote that a dynamic catholic is generous. So, we smile with satisfaction when we think of the $20 bill we gave to the beggar, the $100 donation we made or the one hundredth (1/100) of our earnings that we ‘tithe’ monthly.
Sorry! Jesus is demanding more of us. He is asking us to consider the gifts we have received and give accordingly. Our life, health, talents and abilities come from God, given freely; and when we turned away from Him, He sent His son to die for our sins. All for free. Giving is not easy, and giving freely hurts.
Jesus wanted his disciples and us to share the blessings of the kingdom without expecting to be compensated. Scripture tells us that He allows His rain to fall ‘on the just and the unjust ‘Why then must we decide who is worthy to receive from us?
Come Holy Spirit and strengthen us. Lord, give us the grace to be as generous to others as you have been generous to us.