The Catholic Education Board of Management (CEBM) welcomes the inclusion of the hair policy in the National School Code of Conduct. The new policy allows cornrows, afros, locs, twists and plaits, in compliance with “individual School Hair Rules”. The new hair code takes effect from next term.
“We are particularly pleased with the employment of the principle of subsidiarity that allows each school to fine-tune the policy through dialogue and consultation with all the students, school staff, parents and members of the community,” said Sharon Mangroo, Chief Executive Officer of the CEBM.
The introduction of the hair policy, “is an opportunity to examine the rules that we make and the philosophy that informs them.” She mentioned the suggestion to ministers of education by Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Harris CSSp for education to include the study of philosophy in the school curriculum. “I recommend that this be considered,” she said.
On Thursday, July 6, the Education Ministry introduced a policy after consultation with interest groups in the education sector. This follows an incident on June 27 in which 23 students at Trinity College, Moka were not allowed to receive their certificates with their peers because their cornrows, afros and loose hair was deemed inappropriate for the graduation ceremony.