Sunday July 2nd: A higher order
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Monday July 3rd: We have seen the Lord

“My Lord and My God”

John 20:24-29

In today’s Gospel we have recorded, the experience with Thomas and his interaction with Jesus. In the first instance he doubts the resurrection of Christ. He wants physical evidence. In Jesus’ presence he is quick to exclaim, “My Lord and my God!” He is then told, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Even though we encounter Jesus in so many ways, it is basically by faith we acknowledge His presence. At times however, we do behave like Thomas wanting to get instant solutions when we call upon God for miracles in our lives.

I am sure that all of us can give testimonies of Jesus intervening for us but at the same time being able to relate the challenges and doubts we must have had along the way. Today’s Gospel helps us to recognize that God is always with us, but it is our faith that will determine how we accept Him.

Holy Spirit, help us to always recognize the Trinity.