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My First Holy Communion

By Emma-Lee Dana Archibald,

7 years, Chaguanas Parish, on her First Communion Day, June 3, 2023

Hi everyone! I want to tell you about my super exciting day when I had my First Holy Communion. It was so awesome! I couldn’t wait for it to happen!

I woke up really early that morning before the sun. My mom started cooking a yummy breakfast. I told her that I couldn’t wait to get dressed. I thought that if I got dressed quickly, time would go by faster. You know what it felt like? It felt like a cushion all rolled up with rubber bands around it, getting tighter and tighter. That’s how my heart felt, tight and excited.

Finally, it was time to put on my special First Communion dress. I got dressed as fast as I could. When I went downstairs, my dad was sitting on a chair, and he saw me in my dress for the first time. His face lit up with a big smile, and he took a billion pictures of me. I have never seen my daddy so happy to see me. It felt like he was super excited to be with me on my First Communion Day.

My mom drove us to the church, and I found my seat and waited. The excitement inside me was growing and growing. I sat there, waiting and waiting, because I really wanted to receive Jesus. I couldn’t wait for that time to come. My heart was beating really fast!

Then, Fr Steve put the Host in my hand. When I held it in my hand, I felt like I was going to Heaven. It was such an amazing feeling! I felt like God was whispering something to me. He said He had something better for me, but He didn’t use words. I just felt it inside. When I went back to my seat to say my prayers, I could feel my own breath, but it felt like Jesus was breathing on me. It was magical!

I enjoyed the rest of the Mass so much. Seeing all my friends and family excited for me made me very happy. We sang and prayed together. I love the songs we sang.

I went to bed that night, and woke up early the next morning, and guess what I did? I found myself praying the rosary. I really wanted to hear God talk to me. I asked Him to let me hear His voice. I want to know what He wants me to do.

I think this is important to know that Jesus will come again someday. When that happens, the sun will lose its light, the moon will lose its light, and the stars will fall from the sky. And guess what? We’ll get to see Jesus! My First Holy Communion was the best day ever!