A whole lotta ‘Luffa’
June 29, 2023
Beyond Friendship – Mausica Teachers’ College reunite
June 29, 2023

Good advice in the financial column

We feature those unheralded persons in the parishes committed to selling this publication. We appreciate all who have contributed to this ministry over the years, helping to deliver this paper into the hands of the people in the pews.

Lucy Morton, St Peter’s RC Church, Carenage

Q: How long have you been involved in selling the paper?
I have been selling The Catholic News since September 2021.

Q: Why did you get involved?
I got involved in the sale of the paper because the person who was responsible at that time was always busy preparing the church for Mass. The Catholic News table was often left unattended. I sat near to this table, so I started to assist the parishioners. Then one day, I told her that I would assist her and ever since then I have been selling.

Q: What is your approach to encourage people to buy or read the paper in your parish?
By being a Catholic News seller, I can interact and familiarise myself with all the parishioners. It is especially helpful for getting acquainted with newcomers.

Q: How do you think the paper can be better promoted to Catholic faithful?
The Catholic News can be promoted by advertising on other media houses like, CNC3 or TV6. The 3 for $10 special was a great idea as it got a great response from the parish, and I believe that this can be used again to promote the paper.

Q: To be a seller you most probably also read the paper. What are your favourite pages or columns?
My favourite column is the financial column (Dollars and Sense) as I like the advice that it gives to readers.

Keep reading this space as we continue to salute our sellers.