Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
It is in our hearts that we decide to love or hate, hold malice or not, embrace or reject.
Matthew 11: 25 – 30
On this, the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us reflect on what the heart represents. The heart is the symbol of life and decisions.
A person’s life depends on a healthy heart since it is the organ that carries oxygen and nutrients to all the parts of the body. A poorly functioning heart results in an unhealthy person. But the heart is also the place where life-decisions are made. It is in our hearts that we decide to love or hate, hold malice or not, embrace or reject.
Today’s gospel reminds us that Jesus’ heart holds all the people of the world, especially those who are burdened and labouring. Jesus’ heart aches for those who are weighed down by the difficulties of life. His heart embraces everyone, especially the neediest and most vulnerable.
We can be both recipients of the deep love of Jesus’ heart and sharers in His concern for others. Like Jesus, we too can develop hearts that are filled with compassion and love.