Friday June 9th: The Messiah’s Identity
June 9, 2023
‘Surviving Divorce’ series continues for the Separated, Divorced and Widowed
June 12, 2023

Saturday June 10th: Excess or All

This is what Jesus wants from us – not outward show but real commitment to what he calls us to, in humility and love.

Mark 12:38-44

What a challenging Gospel!!! Jesus observes us as he observed the scribes and the people putting money into the treasury.  He can see when we are too obsessed with how we look (walking about in long robes).  He can see when we silently ask ourselves ‘Do they know who I am?’ (Greeted obsequiously).  He can see when we think we are important and crave honour (taking the front seats and places of honour).  Jesus knows our hearts.  He knows we like outward show while our insides harbour rotten intentions and fraudulent actions. Jesus promises a severe sentence for this.

Jesus calls for what the widow gave.  The widow showed the depth of her commitment to what was being given.  She did not give what she had over – her excess – but rather gave ‘everything’, her ‘all’.  As a matter of fact, she gave ‘more than all’ the others.  This is what Jesus wants from us – not outward show but real commitment to what he calls us to, in humility and love.