Participants of the Communications for the Antilles Specialist Training (CAST) programme graduated May 20. The training commenced April 2022.
At the graduation, participants presented their final video projects which were critiqued by facilitators. Training was facilitated by Trinity TV, Audioworks, GarCor Media Productions, Catholic Media Services Ltd (CAMSEL), and videographer Dominic Boos.
Archbishop Gabriel Malzaire of Castries, St Lucia, Chair for the Antilles Episcopal Conference’s (AEC) Communications Commission told graduates, “what you have showcased here is an indication of the possibility there is, with our youth, with our young people with those who are interested in media.”
He thanked participants for sticking with the training and the facilitators for the excellent job they did, adding that the work produced must make them proud.
“I am very impressed with what you have produced. The certificates you are receiving are well deserved,” said Archbishop Malzaire.
Trinity TV Station Manager, Lisa Bhajan was gratified with the work produced stating that as a facilitator she felt participants “got it!” and “understood”.
She disclosed that SIGNIS Caribbean is developing a “skills bank” from the programme. Bhajan said: “Please know you are all trained…you are content creators now in video, social media, print and audio. We will be calling on you from time to time. We will be writing your bishops to let them know you completed the course, and you are available to assist them.”
She urged participants to be pro-active by indicating availability to offer their services to their dioceses.
Those graduating would earn credits toward studies they wish to pursue at the University of Dayton, Ohio. Completing the programme were: Nateisha Crawford, Loni Kay Lindo (Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica), Liz Cave-Ferdinand (Diocese of Bridgetown, Barbados), Fr Joseph Lucas (Diocese of Kingston, Jamaica) and Richardo Smith (Diocese of Paramaribo, Suriname).
Cave-Ferdinand gave the vote of thanks to the facilitators, administrators and all the persons enabling participants to reach graduation.
She said it was a very rewarding experience and thanked the facilitators for sharing their extensive knowledge. Cave-Ferdinand said: “Thank you for your dedication and always being supportive of our initiative and encouraging us to nurture our talents, which has assisted our growth and development over the last year.”
To the administrative team she gave thanks for their meticulous management of the logistics required for the programme.
CAST is open to participants from dioceses in the AEC. It is an initiative of SIGNIS Caribbean, offered under the auspices of the AEC (arch)bishops to create a media resource pool which can support their initiatives and build Catholic communications in the region.
The course is especially designed for people who are already involved in communications but desire to sharpen their skills in Print, Audio, Video and Social Media. Training included: camera and audio operations, audio and video editing, script-writing, digital production and journalistic skills. —LPG