Safe farming at Santa Maria RC
June 1, 2023
Transparency and Honesty – virtues to live by
June 1, 2023

Tunapuna parish rebuilds Altar Server Ministry

Being an altar server goes beyond only helping out at Mass. It is a way of living. It teaches the individual about prudence, temperance, social skills, discipline, denial of self, builds character, spiritual nourishment; the list goes on.

What you learn within ministry, any ministry in fact, and it is sound, ought to be transferred into your daily life.

At the beginning of this year in St Charles Borromeo RC Church, Tunapuna, an appeal was made to the parish community for interested persons to come forward and join the Altar Server Ministry.

Were people even interested? There was no telling what the response might have been.

To our surprise, at the first training session, we were greeted by persons from as young as eight years old, making this the youngest batch of trainees we have ever encountered.

Nevertheless, we trusted God. Their enthusiasm was so inspiring. They came to training week after week; eager to learn, eager to serve. More young persons trickled in as time went on, and 12 weeks later, it was time for their Installation Mass.

For as long as I have been a server (almost five years), I have never experienced an Altar Server Installation. Even when I became an altar server, there was nothing like this. So, this was the first of its kind for us, a truly special occasion.

On Good Shepherd Sunday (April 30), the parish welcomed 14 young persons into its Altar Server Ministry. Think about that! The most heart-warming aspect is that despite their age – dare I say because of their age – they showed true willingness, commitment, and desire.

This is living proof that God can do anything with a willing heart. The congregation rejoiced as we witnessed the hand of God in the midst of it all.

Our Archdiocese has encouraged and urged all of us to find ways to build community, to be inclusive, and to create dialogue. The way to do that? Opportunity.

There is so much potential within the persons that occupy the pews in our churches. Every person matters. This opportunity has allowed us to get to know 14 more people in our parish community, alongside their parents and guardians, and further allowed the parents and guardians to get to know each other.

The hope is that as the ministry grows, other ministries will grow and by extension, the parish will grow.

To date, our parish now has over 25 servers. I ask that you pray for us, that we may stay the course, and that all that we do is done in love and for the building of God’s Kingdom. Let us rebuild, together. — Story and photos courtesy J’Lani De Four