By Finbar Garcia
Are you considering starting a GoFundMe account that may assist you in time of a life-threatening medical need? Look no further, it’s called a Critical Illness Policy!
Yes, for those who don’t believe in insurance, this type of policy does exist. This brings me to the ongoing serious issue of Critical Illness. The number of persons being diagnosed with critical illnesses has increased in the last decade. While it is important to take all precautionary measures to prevent such diseases, it is equally important to stay financially protected in case you fall prey to any serious illness.
If you closely evaluate and single out the cost of treatment for critical illnesses, you would be amazed to see how expensive this can be at reputed private hospitals. If you opt for treatment abroad, then the cost just doubled or tripled and the headache of securing foreign exchange comes into focus.
This brings me to the main point – critical illness and you. When someone is diagnosed with a critical illness, their entire lifestyle and that of their family changes drastically.
They may have to stop working temporarily, shorter hours or even permanently, which would affect their income and that of their family, putting dependants under tremendous financial trauma.
Data shows that an individual may need three to five years to recover from a critical illness and that is not counting your financial situation at the time. Onset of a critical illness is not age restricted, so having your policy coverage extend beyond age 65 or 80 is better for you.
Considering all the factors, buying a critical illness insurance policy has become absolutely essential for all, irrespective of their age and gender. Under a critical illness policy, the insurance company would pay the policyholder the entire sum insured as a lump sum, based on diagnosis or completion of surgery according to the illnesses covered and terms of the contract.
In determining the amount of critical illness coverage, you should consider the following:
Let’s get real. Do you want to have a barbecue or prefer a critical illness policy? If you think it’s expensive now, it will certainly cost you more not having it. These are just a few of the thought-provoking questions that need answers. Based on my experience, when someone is diagnosed with a critical illness, the foremost on their mind is ‘Cost of health care’, and ‘Am I going to die?’.
Your critical illness policy should remove the concern of ‘Cost’ and in so doing remove ‘death’ as you would be properly covered to receive the best healthcare money can buy.
Let’s look at these calculations – see figure 1.
Tom and Betty are married and have three young children. They both share the expenses to live comfortably.
Tom’s income is $15,000 and Betty’s income is $12,000 per month. Let’s say they both spend 60 per cent of their income on all expenses to run the house, from mortgage, car loan, groceries, general expenses etc.
Their main concern is funding the illness and their monthly expenses, as they have seen friends and family suffer from not having sufficient income to maintain their standard of living.
Based on this information, Tom and Betty would secure four years of living expenses along with the coverage needed for healthcare based on their concerns. They can pay off some short-term debt, like vehicle loan and credit cards and even advance their mortgage.
Being medically confined and having reduced or no income, would only add stress to your current health situation and creates unwanted and unplanned family adjustments that might restrict the dreams for yourself and children. Many persons suffer financially during times like these and reduce their chances of survival. You won’t want the bank taking your home because you became critically ill, and how long can family and friends carry you for?
Would you prefer I bring you some flowers and get-well card, or a cheque for $2 million dollars?
Many people decline insurance because they are healthy and believe they won’t get sick. However, insurance declines people because they are sick. It’s better to have it and don’t use it…than want it and can’t get it.
“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”
—Albert Einstein.
Call me for more information on planning your financial future. Send your questions to or call 620-1185.