Poem: Judge Me Not
May 24, 2023
Poem: Called by Holiness
May 25, 2023

Thursday May 25th: Oneness with God – A Unifying Spirit

If we are to be true witnesses for Christ, then it must be displayed in our own lives

John 17:20-26

Today Jesus prays for that unifying spirit that we may be one in Him as He is with the Father. This can only be achieved by “love for one another”.

When the disciples were in the Upper Room, this unifying spirit was displayed. They later sold all their possessions and shared with each other according to their needs.  All were equal!

As we consider our family, community, parish, country, and world, is that the kind of witnessing we are exercising today?  If our vision is being one with Jesus, then we must adopt a mission that is more than a statement; it must be action oriented.  If we are to be true witnesses for Christ, then it must be displayed in our own lives.

Undoubtedly it begins with us, therefore we must reflect, pray and ensure that even through the simplest interaction with one another we draw others to Christ and not apart from Him.  We must make Jesus’ prayer for unity our prayer.