On May 6, the parish of Mary Immaculate Queen of the Universe (MIQU), Bourg Mulatresse, Lower Santa Cruz, together with specially invited guests – students and staff of the Bourg Mulatresse RC School, participated in a May Crowning of Mary.
Fr Hasely King O Carm, and Deacon Charles Oliveire presided.
During the programme, children from both the primary school and the First Communion class of the parish were engaged in a brief Q and A session with Fr Hasely who posed the question, ‘Who is Jesus to you?’.
Responses ranged from ‘my Saviour’, to ‘my King’ to ‘my Friend’ and was ‘crowned’ with a response from Saturina Flemming, the matron of the Legion of Mary at the parish, ‘Jesus is my everything’.
Father then proceeded to speak about Mary, the Mother of the King. No other woman can claim Jesus to be her Son. She pleads our cases before Him and is always ready to assist us when in need.
Before the close of the programme, members of the Legion of Mary from the parish and from the St Joseph Curia, were treated to a surprise blessing from Fr Hasely.
—Mimi Chu Leung,
President of the Legion of Mary Praesidium at MIQU.