“But take courage; I have conquered the world!”
John 16: 29-33
“In the world you face persecution.” These can be very daunting words as we struggle to live out our Christian lives in various settings. Jesus, however, follows this up with the statement, “But take courage; I have conquered the world!” In times of trouble and deep decision making, we are called to muster the confidence to deal with the given situation.
The disciples’ response reminds me of my children, especially my last son who would often say, I know all that already, Daddy!” I would often reply, “You think you know!” It is only through the challenging experiences of this world, that we truly come ‘to know’.
Jesus calls us to take courage because we are part of something bigger than us! The Resurrected Christ has left us his Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to continue and persevere in faith.
Lord, help us to trust in the power of the Holy Spirit, and your peace when we face adversities and persecution on the journey of our lives.