From the Society of St Vincent de Paul
Last year, the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVDP) held its first ‘Poor Man’s Lunch’ at the rooftop of the parking lot of Hyatt Trinidad.
Due to the restrictions posed by Covid-19, where we were unable to meet in person, the creativity of the fundraising team kicked in and we were able to distribute soups takeaway style in an open-air setting.
Due to its success, we have decided to repeat this event at the same venue on Saturday, May 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lunch again will be prepared by Chef Anthony of the Hyatt Trinidad who is eager to provide a choice of chicken, beef, and vegetable corn soup along with a fresh baked roll.
Like many other NGOs, SVDP has had financial challenges which seemed to multiply during Covid. Most operating expenses for the homes managed by SVDP are collected through fundraisers and we were unable to do this for over two years.
As many of you may have also experienced financial difficulties during the pandemic, you know firsthand that this put us in a position where we could not have taken care of our monthly bills and maintained our homes to the optimum standards for which we are accustomed.
Homes maintained by the St Vincent de Paul Society include:
We have had to make some harsh decisions for the survival of this entity which has taken care of the ‘Poorest of the Poor’ since 1857, and, our continuity depends on the generosity of the public and corporate Trinidad and Tobago through these fundraisers.
Our tickets are on sale, and we urge you to support this event. Every Conference in your parish will have tickets on sale. The price remains the same as last year – $250.
You can contact – Brenda De la Rosa 481-3352 , Glen Holder 687-5320, or Michelle Hart 460-8888 if you wish to contribute or purchase tickets.