‘Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me?’
John 14:7-14
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reveals the depth of relationship between Father and Son. To know the Son is to know the Father. “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” This is one of the most important statements of the New Testament. Jesus is telling us the best way to know and understand the Father is to revisit His acts of kindness, love, and genuine care.
You might ask yourself, “Where do I fit in this mix?” Well, my sister or brother, as we receive Jesus and take Him and His message to heart, (our journey as Easter people), we become more and more His presence in the world, so much so that to receive us is to receive Jesus, and to receive Jesus is to receive the Father.
Lord, help me to easily recognise You and Your will. Fill me with Your spirit and use me for your work. Amen.