Saturday April 15th: Living in hope
April 15, 2023
Monday April 17th: Born Again
April 17, 2023

Sunday April 16th: Peace be with you

 “Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, “Peace be with you.”

John 20:19-31

Deep inside of me I was rebellious towards people and even towards the word of God. Like Thomas, I was filled with doubt and wanted visual proof of the everyday miracles. Tell me all about Jesus and the miracles that he had worked in your life, and I would have doubted you; I refused to believe.

Often, I demanded to see the evidence with my own physical eyes. I even laid down my own conditions on how one should personally examine things before proclaiming that Jesus had showed himself amid situations.  I was in a locked room for fear of you, for fear of the world and the greatest fear, the fear of myself.

Jesus came and stood at my side and twice he whispered directly to me, “Peace be with you.” He showed me his wounds and I cried out, “My Lord and my God!”

What followed was a life changing journey. I was blessed with a sincere desire to accept the gift of the resurrection, the perfect peace that Jesus offers.