It is very difficult for me to be like Jesus
John 13: 21 – 33; 36 – 38
It is very difficult for me to be like Jesus. I can’t imagine what I would do if I knew I was going to be betrayed, disowned and killed.
I have no idea what Jesus wants to teach me by giving Judas bread and his marching orders. I hope and pray I can accept my death or betrayal as gracefully as Jesus did.
I think death may be easier to accept because dying is inevitable…. but the rest? Not so easy for me!
Jesus knew Simon Peter was going to disown Him exactly three times before the cock crowed; yet Jesus showed no animosity towards him.
How can I love people who betray and disown me? I pray for the Spiritual and emotional maturity to see Jesus in everyone; even people who have wronged me, and to be able to treat them with love. This is my prayer for Holy Week.