“Leave her alone”
John 12:1-11
In today’s Gospel we once more meet Mary, Martha and Lazarus. This time they are at dinner to honour Jesus. Once more we see Martha busy at it. Lazarus reclining with Him. Mary wiping His feet with her hair, after pouring pure lard and expensive perfume.
Judas Iscariot objected, putting forward the argument that the items could have been sold and monies given to the poor. Jesus’ response was: “Leave her alone”.
So often when we choose to focus on Jesus, we may have even persons close to us showing reasons why we should change our focus. Lent is indeed an opportunity to seek to get closer to God. This might require us having to give up things and even people. But like Mary we must be prepared to honour Him as we see fit. Jesus, we know will be urging us on. He will not leave us alone.
No matter what we choose to do can never be enough to honour Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.