Stand proudly and declare it even if it incurs disapproval from some.
John 10: 31 – 42
The Jews fetched stones to stone Jesus because they accused him of blasphemy. Blasphemy is an extremely serious charge in Israel that carries the death penalty. Blasphemy is the act of speaking or acting in a way that shows disrespect or contempt for God or scared things. And since Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and equal to Him, the Jews accused him of blaspheming.
Jesus stood his ground. He was confident about his identity and origin. His actions ought to speak to us about our identity and origin. We are not equal to God, but we are children of God and followers of Jesus. We should not be ashamed of our identity as disciples. Every time we must give public witness to our belonging to Jesus, we must Ours is not to protect ourselves from others on account of our discipleship. Ours is to stand up for God, and God in His turn, will stand up for us.