Faithful encouraged to get ‘back to basics’ at Lenten Revival
March 28, 2023
We are all the People of God
March 28, 2023

Mask wearing is personal choice

Bishop updates diocesan Covid-19 guidelines


Bishop Francis Alleyne OSB of Georgetown has issued updated Covid-19 guidelines for churches. He has recommended that the use of masks will not be mandatory but left to the discretion of the individuals. However, priests and ministers conducting Services and giving Communion should still use masks.

Bishop Alleyne, according to a Catholic Standard report, said that the that the general function of the society seems to have slowly returned to what it was before the Covid pandemic and the wearing of masks, distancing, and sanitising have become more optional than mandatory.

Even for overseas travel, testing and proof of vaccination are almost “non-existent”, said the Bishop. He said that in checking the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page, a PAHO-WHO poster clearly advises “COVID-19 is still making some people severely sick … it is not over yet. It is still a threat” and people are encouraged to use masks.

Congregants, Bishop Alleyne emphasised, should still be encouraged to take precautions. He further recommended that churches have hand sanitising liquids/gels available for use and where convenient, have someone to offer it as persons enter the church.

Persons should be encouraged to receive Communion on the hand and processions for entrance, recession and offertory can now be included in Masses and Services in churches.