Long-term care and you
March 28, 2023
Lenten retreat on being fruitful in marriage
March 28, 2023

First reunion for RC Teachers’ College

On Saturday, March 11 the Roman Catholic Teachers’ College (which is no longer in existence) Class of 1978–1980, held its first reunion, at the Emmaus Retreat Centre at Torrecilla, Arima, which was the college compound at that time.

It was a memorable day for the 21 out of the 40 teachers who have since retired,  five of whom have passed on, others migrated, while others were unable to attend because of illness or one reason or another.

The day began with Holy Mass, followed by a sumptuous lunch, meeting and greeting one another whom we have not met for over 40 years. The highlight of the day was the singing of what we dubbed, “the College Songs”: ‘River of Babylon’ and ‘I have a Dream’.

Photos were taken, college days’ pranks, and humour and other memories were relived.

Goodies were shared including a tray packed with candy brought in by one of our colleagues from Tobago. Another distributed seeds and seedlings for us so we could make further use of our retired time by planting.

For those unable to attend, and would like to get in contact with us, you can send us your contact number, so that we can add you to our WhatsApp group. Our next gathering is being planned for as early as May. We can be reached at 307-0807.

—Julie Jennings Chan, retiree