“…this son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and is found.”,
Luke 16: 1-3; 11-32
The parable of the Prodigal Son holds important spiritual life lessons. Among them are the following…
• When we grasp selfishly at our God-given gifts, we lose the grace that comes with sharing them.
• When we reject the Divine Grace of God, we drift into a life of emptiness. Therefore, let us keep it alive in our hearts.
• When we walk away from God, He continues to love us and look out for us. He awaits our return with great anticipation.
• Regardless of how low the point to which we are reduced, we are never beyond the Mercy and Love of God. Just summon the courage to ask for forgiveness and He will welcome us back with open arms. He forgets and forgives what we have been.
• We must always serve the Lord joyfully; not with a glum, slave-like mentality. “My son, everything I have is yours.”
• God is all about giving us Life and Love. If we can only believe this, then our whole life will be a celebration of God’s life in us.
What a mighty God we serve!