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CTCT presents first Lifetime Achievement Award to Rev Knolly Clarke


In the presence of friends, family and well-wishers, the Conference on Theology in the Caribbean Today (CTCT) presented its Lifetime Achievement Award to Anglican cleric, Rev Dr Knolly Clarke at the Christ Church Anglican Church, Cascade on February 27.

The presentation of the award formed the second part of the CTCT’s formal recognition and appreciation of Rev Clarke’s lifetime work, the first part of this recognition having taken place as part of the Idris Hamid Lecture during the virtual forum of the CTCT’s Conference held from November 8–12, 2021.

This is the first time the organisation presented such an award. The actual presentation of the award was however postponed due to health protocols at the time which had prevented public gathering.

The gift presentation was made by CTCT Secretariat member, Dr Adanna James, who highlighted Rev Clarke’s many milestones in his more than 60 years of religious and social service in the Region.

Of mention included his involvement in the development of ecumenism and inter-religious mission through his work with the Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC) and the Inter Religious Organization (IRO), the labour union, the development of culture, teaching and advocacy for the marginalised.

Also in attendance was Anglican Bishop Claude Berkley who delivered the homily. Bishop Berkley referenced his obligation to be present at such an event owing to the tremendous witness of Rev Clarke to him personally over the years. In responding to his gift presentation, Rev Clarke cited two women who played invaluable instrumental roles in his life: his mother, Vivian and wife, Estella Clarke.

CCC General Secretary Gerard Granado joined in celebrating the role of Mrs Clarke, identifying both Rev Clarke and his wife as modern-day prophets who together witness to a radical holiness, following in the footsteps of biblical legends Simeon and Anna.

Rev Clarke’s immediate family consists of his wife, children Christopher, Marisa and Marcus, and grandchildren Sule and Damara.

The CTCT’s next theological conference is scheduled to take place in Grenada from June 26 – 30 on the theme: Breaking Tides, Reshaping Land, Living in a World Shaped by the Pandemic.

The Conference will be blended and a call for papers is presently ongoing.

For more info, please visit ctctoday.org or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CTCT1994/



“Beside the good of the individual, there is a good that is linked to living in society: the common good. It is the good of ‘all of us’, made up of individuals, families and intermediate groups who together constitute society.” (7)


Pope Benedict XVI 2009, Caritas in Veritate

CCSJ Social Justice Education Committee