If you’re still not sure what to do for Lent, this is for you
March 3, 2023
Sunday March 5th: The Power and Presence of God
March 5, 2023

Saturday March 4th: Striving for perfection

Pray for those who persecute you

Matthew 5: 43 – 48

What I am trying to do for Lent is to follow the teachings of this Gospel passage.
“PRAY for those who persecute you.” I do not think I have ever been persecuted but I have felt wronged by others. God is asking me, not only to forgive them but to love them AND pray for them.
Tall order! It is extremely difficult for me to pray for that co-worker who takes credit for my work. The one who does not take responsibility for his actions. The same one who sends emails at 8. oo p.m. for a 10.00 a.m. meeting the next morning.
He always has an excuse, such as he forgot. My reaction is to ask him if he has Alzheimer’s or if he is just incompetent. I do not do that because then I will come across as being mean and not very Christ-like.
So, my prayer this Lent is for him and workers like him, to have integrity, especially in the workplace.