I hear Jesus’ response and must strive to examine my own attitude.
Luke 5:27-32
Like Levi, many have answered the call. To leave everything to follow The Way, The Truth, and The Life. HAm I ready to leave everything?
This passage calls me to be thankful for the many who left everything starting with the disciples.
What was their sin sickness? Jesus knew who they were yet chose them to be with him and bring others. Of times I may be quick to judge and qualify other people’s condition even as a follower of Christ. I decide who is worthy or unworthy…who is virtuous and who is a sinner. The Pharisees and Scribes were self-righteous and couldn’t understand how Jesus could eat with sinners! I hear Jesus’ response and must strive to examine my own attitude.
That I may heed His words that he has come to call sinners to repentance. Remembering that we have all sinned… Remove any prejudice and tendency to rebuke rather than to give a kind word.
Search me, Oh God.