“For he causes his sun to rise on bad as well as good, and his rain to fall on honest as well as dishonest men alike.”
Matthew 5:38-48
God’s first declaration to humanity was creation. By this declaration, God gave us the power to continue the good work that he started and to display the most perfect example of love.
Often, we choose to love certain people and may even go as far as trying to persuade others to be selective with whom they love, based on our biases. We make comments such as, “S/he is not deserving; that’s not fair or why her and not someone else?” We may even engage in taking revenge and practicing an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth.
The first article of the United Nation’s declaration of Human Rights states that, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
Every human being gets to enjoy the splendor of God’s creation. Today, Jesus invites us to let go of the harsh thoughts about whether or not certain persons are deserving of his blessings, for he causes his sun to rise on bad as well as good, and his rain to fall on honest as well as dishonest men alike..