“Get behind me Satan! Because the way you think is not God’s way but man’s.”
Mark 8:27-33
Who is really in charge of our destiny?
Peter, as spokesperson for the other disciples, was rebuked by Jesus for thinking he could change the path Jesus had embarked upon. True, the disciples had witnessed the many miracles Jesus had performed and knew he was greater than John the Baptist, Elijah or any other prophet. In fact, Peter had declared quite openly he believed Jesus was the Christ, the promised one. However, when Jesus spoke about what being the Christ really meant – rejection by the religious authorities, torture, death and even resurrection – Peter could not accept that.
By rebuking him Jesus was showing he was not to be deterred from his mission even if it meant going against what his close friends thought. He was following a higher authority who was in charge of his destiny.
Our challenge when faced with opposition is to be like Jesus, holding on to the deeper, more committed aspects of ourselves; guided by a God who directs our paths.
Lord, forgive us for thinking our way and not yours. Amen