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February 15, 2023

Skin and self-care tips for a safe Carnival

By Heidi Gibbon, Aesthetician

I’ve played mas’ for almost the last 30 years and feel confident that I have the BEST skincare/beauty tips for Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

My tips are practical, tried and tested. They may not be the most glamorous option, but you should consider them to have a trouble-free Carnival.


#1 Be sun smart

The most important element for a safe Carnival is, of course, sun protection. Even a single sunburn can increase your risk for developing skin cancer. The amount of sun exposure at Carnival puts us at risk for a bad burn.

Make sure your sunblock is waterproof and at least SPF 30. After your morning shower your first step should be your sunblock application. Apply it to your entire body including your face, neck, ears and legs even if you plan to wear tights.

I strongly suggest you wear a hat at Carnival as it is impossible to avoid many hours of exposure. I always choose a broad-rimmed hat which shelters not only my face but chest, shoulders and upper back, all the places most likely to burn.

Many women do not like their hair covered so in this case I strongly suggest you apply sunblock to your scalp where your hair parts.

Wear shades! Besides protecting your eyes from UV rays, it also prevents squinting which cause those unwanted crow’s feet and 11s wrinkles around the eye area.

Many women choose not to wear shades to show off their beautiful eye makeup with gems etc. but you can always take your shades off at sunset and wow everyone!

You will have to reapply sunblock at least twice during the day. If you happen to drench yourself in a water truck, note that you will have to reapply more often. I like cream sunblock for your first application and spray sunblock for reapplications.

Do not apply spray sunblock in a windy area as nothing will land on your skin, defeating the purpose. When it comes to brand, I am not fussy at Carnival time; any sunblock that agrees with your skin and has not expired will do.

Be sun smart, choose the side of the truck with the shade to chip along with!


#2 Prepare for thousands of steps

Always cut the toes of your tights off with a scissors or choose the footless tights. This helps to prevent losing your big toenails after two days of playing Carnival.  Wear comfortable shoes and choose socks that do not make your shoes feel tight.  Remember as well to cut your toenails. If you have any hesitation over a pair of shoes, it’s probably better to wear your sneakers. This will make or break your Carnival.

It is safest to wear shoes that you have already worn for an extended period and you know will not rub anywhere to create blisters.

Personally, I think boots are out and sneakers are in! Be sure your shoes are no older than two years otherwise they will fall apart on the road and duct taped shoes are not cute!


#3 Hydrate

Drinking water is necessary to survive Carnival. This is not fun for me so I always use water as my chaser to kill two birds with one stone. It is very important not to try a new alcohol at Carnival time. Stick to what agrees with you and avoid too many shots as their effect can be unpredictable.


#4 Face care

AM: Layer a hydrating serum, moisturiser and sunblock before your foundation. I know it seems like a lot, but the elements are so harsh all these layers help keep your skin safe.

If you want to wear gems on your face, I like using a dot of white glue to apply them. The glue dries clear and your gems will stay in place. All the previous layers prevent irritation. Guys, you can do moisturiser and then sunblock.

PM: At night you will have to triple cleanse your face to get all the gunk off!  Invest in flannel cloths to pair with either a milk or an oil cleanser to remove your makeup gently. Finish off with a gentle cleanser you can use with water to wash off.  A good eye make-up remover is a great way to start the cleansing process.

If you use actives like Vitamin C, AHA’s or Retinol you should avoid these two to three days in advance and during Carnival. These will make your skin more sun sensitive.

You should not let the sun touch your face and should seriously consider a hat!  Focus on nourishing/hydrating products for the Carnival period.

On Monday night, a light face scrub and a hydrating gel mask after cleansing will prepare your skin for makeup on Tuesday. You could also consider a hair masque instead of conditioner for your hair.

For J’Ouvert, slather yourself in any body oil!


I would love to hear from you. Email me at heidigibbon@gmail.com for product suggestions. You can also find me on Instagram at @mysalontt