Sunday January 29th: Be blessed!
January 29, 2023
Maracas Valley church leaders unite to discuss community issues
January 30, 2023

Monday January 30th: Who is the strongest of them all? The Liberator

Jesus’ power is made present in quiet.

Mark 5:1-20

This passage continues Mark’s stress on Jesus as the powerful one; however, Jesus does not speak until he asks the name of the demons. Jesus’ power is made present in quiet. This is a story of liberation through the presence and power of Jesus, Son of the Most High and indicates that a power stronger than evil must intervene for real liberation to occur.

How do we use our power over the ‘legion of evil’ in our society? Where are the forces of evil in our society? What do we do with our power? We lock up, beat up or abuse, physically or verbally and further isolate and alienate. We build tombs, set up institutions of torture and yet ask ourselves why we are in this state.
We need to recall the soft voice of Anthony and Gerard Pantin, Lincoln Myers, Hollis Liverpool, who, seldom spoke, but liberated persons from their demonic state and called them into mission like Jesus.
We who today proclaim and enact the Gospel of Mark must be agents of Liberation while moving outward to proclaim the gracious mercy of God.