“The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light.”
Matthew 4:12-23
We are lonely by birth, only pilgrims here in this Caribbean space. Born to walk in the shoes of the master. Born to inherit the kingdom.
As we journey-on in this semi-darkness, we are called time and time again to renew our strength, like gold, repeatedly cast in the furnace, so to gain purity. Like the potter throwing clay again and again, turning and turning until the vessel takes shape.
Don’t surrender to your present calling so quickly. Don’t get stuck in the same boat. There is always a calling inside a calling. Let the loneliness of your calling ferment and season you as you wait for another call. The call to be more refined, deeper and deeper, so to hear better the cries of pain in the street, the slaughter of the innocent and the drudgery of the market place. Remember all calling is for service.
Welcome the servant King and the healer Queen. You are the lamp. The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light.