By Wendy Ann Jones
Principal, Catholic Bible Institute
Sunday of the Word of God is here again, and we have another opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him, much like the disciples, who, after the Resurrection, had their minds illumined as Jesus revealed to them the fulfilment of Scripture, and broke bread with them.
In the Apostolic Letter, Aperuit Illis (2019), which inaugurated the annual celebration of Sunday of the Word of God, Pope Francis invites us all to embrace the Bible as “the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it, move from dispersion and division towards unity” (AP 4).
Pope Francis insists that the Bible belongs to the people of God, who are “called to hear its message and to recognize themselves in its words” (AP 4). I trust that we all yearn for unity, we all yearn to discover our identity in Christ Jesus, so as we listen to the sacred Word at Mass, in our community, family, and personal devotions, let us listen for meaning.
Today, let us also engage in conversations about what the Word means for us, how it informs and forms our identity and mission. It is a genuinely Catholic approach to insist that responsibility and action are always the consequences of understanding.
This, I guess, is the foundation of the missionary spirit that propels the Church to shine light in the dark places of ignorance, oppression, corruption, sickness, violence, and hate – to name a few.
It is no different today, as we celebrate Sunday of the Word of God, we should be ready to move as the Word leads us to bring light to all dark places and thoughts.
Jesus chose to begin His ministry from a very dark place, knowing that it is not good enough to curse the dark. The Gospel today presents Jesus as light itself and fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah that “on those who lived in a country of shadow dark as death, a light has dawned” (Mt 4:16; Is 9:1).
This Word provides hope for today, for as we lament the path that the world is taking, we look, and work, with hope that the light of Christ will change everything. That light comes through the Word of God, and it pierces darkness through our thoughts, words, and actions.
On this fourth annual celebration of Sunday of the Word of God, we are invited to mark the singular importance of the Bible for the Church, with the symbolic enthronement of the Bible in our churches, communities, and our homes.
But let us go a bit further to enthrone the Word of God in our hearts, with daily devotion of reading the Scripture, reflecting on the readings for Mass and migrate from spectators to participants.
The Catholic Bible Institute renews its commitment to make Jesus known through the study of the Word of God, and as we celebrate today with the Church, we do so with great joy as we are constantly reminded that the Lord “never tires of speaking to his Bride, that she may grow in love and faithful witness” (AP 2).
I wish you all the tremendous joy of knowing that God continues to speak to us and infuses us in divine love revealed in the Word and Eucharist.
Father, make us one!
Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash